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Foreign as Native TM

A program for quickly learning a foreign language for children from 2 to 14 years old, by age. It records the relatedness of the language, increasing memory capacity. And the brain begins to perceive a foreign language as a native one - learning occurs as if by itself, without effort or hard work.

At the same time, the program influences the areas of intelligence, attention and speech: the child becomes very smart and develops faster, ahead of his peers.

There are the following languages to choose from:
  • English
  • Ukrainian
  • Russian
  • Turkish
  • Kazakh
  • German

  • The program can run on a phone, laptop or computer. For listening, use regular large (over-the-ear) headphones. You can listen at any convenient time. 2 times a day for half an hour for a month, the brain is stimulated using various effects of the program. Result: the language becomes native to the child and is learned easily, simply and quickly, as well as the rapid development of intelligence and speech.

    Listen to demo sessions:

    Demo version

    two sessions for free!

    Program cost:   $450*


    What are the results?

    Which children need the program?

    What age is the program designed for?

    What's in the program?


    Patents and certificates


    At the moment, the registration of a number of more patents and copyrights is being completed both on the territory of Ukraine, andboth abroad

    Phone: +38 050 738 7858 ( Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp )
    Head office: Ukraine, Kyiv, st. Olympia Galika, 75A
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    The "High Frequency Therapy" method is a developmental speech therapy technique and does not apply to methods of medical diagnosis or treatment. All information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and cannot replace the advice of a doctor or other qualified specialist.
    The names "HFT" and "High Frequency Therapy" are registered trademarks. Any use, copying or modification without the official permission of the copyright holder is strictly prohibited.
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